
Your Bright Future

Sea Cadets
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The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Program teaches knowledge and skills about seamanship, sailing, and traditions of the Royal Canadian Navy.

World Class Experience

112 Sea Cadets Peterborough is a Youth Organization for those aged 12 to18. Sea Cadets learn about the naval and maritime environment by participating in a variety of activities on and off the water. Sea Cadets specialize in sailing, seamanship, shipboard life, naval communications, power boat handling, boat repair, and marine engineering. Selected senior cadets have the opportunity to attend international exchanges, to sail aboard a Tall Ship or participate in ship deployments aboard Canadian Navy and Coast Guard ships.

Additionally, Sea Cadets can compete for a chance to participate in annual sailing regattas! Sea Cadets also participate in ceremonial events and citizenship activities that allow them to connect to their Canadian naval heritage. The hands-on activities, exciting challenges and leadership opportunities for Sea Cadets are many.

Canada’s motto, A Mari usque ad Mare ("From Sea to Sea") can be applied to Sea Cadets. With Sea Cadet Corps found all across the country and given Canada’s abundance of water and shoreline, the opportunities are many whether inland or on either coast. You are bound to observe a Sea Cadet making a splash somewhere, from sea to sea!

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About Us
The program provides a well-structured positive learning environment for teenagers age 12 to 18 years old, allowing them to try, learn and develop a wide variety of skills ranging from hands-on to intellectual and life skills. Through a multitude of fun and challenging opportunities, cadets are able to try, experiment, and learn from their experiences, while enjoying support from their peers and their adult leaders as they grow into successful and contributing members of their communities.

What We Do:

- Sailing
- Nautical activities
- Naval communications
- Team sports
- Shipboard life
- Tall Ship training
- International Exchanges and Cultural Visits
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Our Opportunities
1. Sailing
Every cadet corps include sailing in their training at least once a year. Sailing is a fun activity whether you are in smaller two-person boats or larger twelve-person whalers that we see in the summer at Cadet Training Centers
2. Seamanship
In most naval jobs, a knowledge of knots and hitches are a requirement. From setting sails to tying a huge ship to a dock, knots are a useful skill throughout life as well as in our yearly Seamanship inter-divisional competitions. One of the needed skills for being on the water anywhere in the ocean would be an ability to tell where you are. Seamanship also covers cartography and compass skills
3. Leadership
Cadets gain confidence and self-esteem while developing leadership, communication, team-building and problem-solving skills through challenging, fun, peer-led experiences that they can’t get anywhere else
4. Sports
The goal of the cadet physical fitness program is to increase cadets' physical fitness and to motivate them to develop a lifelong habit of regular activity.  Cadets are encouraged to participate in regular sports and fitness activities
5. Citizenship
Cadets learn to become active, responsible members of their communities, making valuable contributions to Canadian society in terms of environmental, citizenship and community service activities. To help cadets build on their foundation for global citizenship, the following resources have been assembled to provide information on Canada’s past, present and future activities with an emphasis on how cadets can get involved
6. Armed Forces
Sea Cadets have opportunities to be deployed for advanced training on Canadian naval vessels and learn about many of the duties on board. From tall ship sailing vessels to coast guard ships or Canadian navy ships, many Sea Cadets have been sent for training on vessels and came back with many stories to tell and experiences to share.
Career Opportunities
Why Choose Us
60 Years of Training Youth
Learn from a group of highly trained Canadian Armed Forces Staff and Volunteers 
Military Leadership
Leadership training to prepare you for your future, no matter what career you choose
Experience Like No Other
Experience and Opportunities with new people and places, travel and training
To Develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership
For Today
To promote physical fitness                                        
For Tomorrow
To stimulate an interest in the sea element of the Canadian Forces
For Your Future